April 2021
Whats Happening at Ploughshares

April Workshop

Square Foot Gardening in an Octagonal Raised Bed

‘Square Foot Gardening’ is the best way to utilize raised bed and small row planting areas in gardens where space is at a premium.  Come down to Ploughshares and participate in using the square foot gardening technique to plant an octagonal raised bed with peppers, cabbage, tomatoes and melons.
If we have time we will demonstrate planting a similar bed positioned in the shade with lettuce, cilantro and herbs.

Square Foot Gardening in an Octagonal Bed
April 17th 2021
2701 Main St Alameda CA
510 755 1102
no r.s.v.p. necessary

Papa Cat Recommends Planting Swamp Milkweed

Asclepias incarnata is native to the lower midwestern states, requires lots of water and grows fast!  This is one of the milkweeds that the other large migrating population of monarchs relies on to reproduce and feed.  It has been successfully introduced in Southern California and while not preferred by native plant enthusiasts it’s speed of growth and easy propagation characteristics makes this  the first milkweed we have to offer this year.  Your butterflies will dig it! 
Available in 4″ pots for $6.99

Our milkweeds are not treated with systemic pesticide and are safe for monarchs to feed and reproduce upon.
Flowers full of nectar show up June to August in shades of white, pink and mauve.  Give lots of water and lots of room for her deep tap root, not for shallow containers!  This is a great plant for monarchs for when we cannot find more native types like Asclepias fascicularis and Asclepias eriocarpa or want to avoid Mexican milkweed (Asclepias cursavica).
Swamp milkweed grows 3-4ft and I recommend that you protect it from visiting Monarchs until it reaches full height.  If caterpillars should hatch on it before it is full height the little babies might eat the thing down to the nubbins.