Ruth Bancroft Garden is a treasure trove of succulents located in nearby Walnut Creek. Please visit the website to learn more about this extraordinary resource for drought tolerant plants and expertise. Ruth Bancroft may be credited with introducing an enormous number of specimens to cultivation and use in California, without her interest and estate, our gardens would be much poorer. With water conservation being so much on everyone’s minds, the Ruth Bancroft Garden demonstrates how low water use plants from all around the world can be incorporated successfully into home gardens.

On May 14th at noon, Ryan Penn of Ruth Bancroft Gardens will visit us at Ploughshares and demonstrate how to plant and arrange succulents in rockeries. We are very happy to host Ryan for this FREE WORKSHOP and reap the expertise of the amazing Ruth Bancroft Garden staff. This will be a hands on workshop so bring some gloves! Rocks will be arranged, soil layered properly and succulents planted for optimum growth and success. Even long time succulent aficionados will learn something!
